“Once a Target, Now a Brother” (Acts 9:10-31)

We have been recently introduced to Saul and as part of his introduction we know are being introduced to Ananias. Ananias was once a target of Saul's and now becomes a dear brother. In fulfillment of Acts 1:8, we'll see that God uses people to reach people.

ACTS: What Makes Us Who We Are?

In 2022 we began a verse-by-verse study through the New Testament Book of Acts. This book records for us the acts of the apostles after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the formation of the first church. Going through the Book of Acts will help us identify what makes us who we are and helps us chart our course forward.


“Four Miracles, Four Lessons” (Acts 9:31-43)


“Two Questions” (Acts 9:1-9)