At First Christian Church, what does a whole-hearted follower of Jesus Christ look like?
A whole-hearted follower of Jesus Christ at FCC is someone who…
has accepted Christ, been baptized, and has committed to our church’s values.
At the heart of it, a church family is comprised of followers of Jesus Christ who have accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, who have identified with Him through baptism, and who have committed to our church’s values: loving God and loving others through authenticity, relationships, and others. Have you accepted Christ, been baptized and ready to commit to our church’s values?
worships with us weekly.
A church family is about being together. Worshiping together is at the heartbeat of how and when we gather. Our Sunday morning gathers serve to encourage, inspire, and challenge us as we worship together in one location. Have you committed to worshiping weekly with other followers of Jesus Christ?
is growing in their relationship with God and with others.
A whole-hearted follower of Jesus Christ is growing - both in their relationship with God and with others. This means that they are in the Word consistently, developing a strong prayer life, and in meaningful relationships with other followers of Jesus Christ (through Bible classes, through Life Groups, and through doing life itself!). Are you growing in your relationship with God and others?
who is giving and serving.
Everyone of us has been blessed with resources and gifts unique to us. A whole-hearted follower of Jesus Christ is someone who gives out of their resources and who serves out of their strengths and talents. Are you giving out of your resources and serving from your strengths and talents?
who is discipling others who will also disciple others.
The Great Commission was not given to just pastors and missionaries. Every follower of Jesus Christ has been asked to duplicate themselves by discipling others that will also disciple others. Who have you introduced to Christ who is now introducing others to Christ?
Where are you on the pathway of becoming a whole-hearted follower of Jesus Christ?
The pathway is designed to be used in two ways: informational and directional.
It’s informational in that it should inform you where you are in the pathway. Be honest. Where do you find yourselves in the pathway? Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your life? Have you committed to worshiping weekly? Have you taken steps to ensure you are growing your relationship with God? Are you giving and serving? Do you know how to lead someone to Christ? Where are you in this pathway? (There’s no wrong answer, by the way. All of us are somewhere in this pathway.)
The pathway is also directional, in that it should direct you to what steps you need to take in your own spiritual maturity.
Click the button below if you’d like us to help you find where you are and how to take your next step.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
~ Jesus Christ, Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22, Verse 37 (NIV)