Weekend Missions Trip to Tijuana
Dear church,
I am excited to share that this coming weekend, I will be traveling to Tijuana, Mexico, as a guest of Redeemer’s Fellowship to participate in a missions trip with Homes of Hope, a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). This trip is an incredible opportunity to serve a family in need by building them a home in just one weekend! Several months ago this opportunity presented itself and after much prayer, discussions with both the elders and our missions team, we felt like this would be a great opportunity for me to pursue. I’m so grateful for our church’s love and support for missions that allows these opportunities to happen.
Beyond the joy of building and blessing a family with a safe place to live, this trip is also a chance for me to see firsthand how Homes of Hope operates. My hope is that this experience will allow us, as a church, to prayerfully consider leading a future missions trip where we, too, can bring a team from First Christian Church to build homes and share Christ’s love in a tangible way.
Families in Mexico are chosen based on an extensive application process. They apply in person, have interviews at their current residences to asses their living conditions, and provide detailed information about their situation. This evaluation process helps determine which families are in most need and eligible to receive a new home.
I would love your prayers as I travel with the team. Here are some specific ways you can pray:
For Safe Travel
We will be flying out early Friday morning and returning late Monday night. Pray for smooth travels and hassle free layovers, safety on the worksite, and good health for the entire team.
For The Family Receiving the Home
That this new home would be a source of stability, security, and a reminder of God’s provision and love.
For Our Team
That we would work well together, serve with joy, and reflect Christ’s love in all we do.
For Discernment
That God would give me wisdom and clarity as I consider how our church family might get involved with Homes of Hope in the future.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I look forward to sharing more about this experience when I return!
Pastor Daniel