Conflict in Relationships (This or That)

THIS or THAT ~ Conflict in Relationships (Mathew 5:38-42)

Conflict in relationships is something we all face, whether with friends, family, or even our enemies. But how we respond to these conflicts can either fuel the fire or bring about peace. This week, we’ll explore Jesus’ radical teachings on handling conflict, where He calls us to a higher standard—not to retaliate, but to respond with grace, creativity, and generosity. Imagine what our world would look like if we all chose to turn the other cheek, give more than what’s demanded, and go the extra mile.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges us to rethink our approach to those who wrong us. Instead of getting even, He urges us to respond in ways that uphold our dignity and reflect God’s love. Whether it’s turning the other cheek, offering our coat along with our shirt, or carrying a burden further than required, Jesus’ teachings invite us into a way of life that transforms conflict into opportunities for reconciliation and healing.

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Loving Our Enemies ~ THIS or THAT (Matthew 5:43-48)


The Importance & Impact of Our Credibility (This or That)